The Superannuation and Insurance Liaison Committee (SILC), commonly called the Liaison Committee, represents employee and pensioner members of the Civil Service Superannuation Fund (CSSF) which is administered by the Civil Service Superannuation Board (CSSB). The Liaison Committee exists through The Civil Service Superannuation Act of Manitoba.

Liaison Committee members are appointed by organizations that represent employees and retiree members of the pension plan. The SILC’s Negotiating Committee negotiates with the The Employer Pension and Insurance Advisory Committee on matters regarding pension and group insurance benefits for CSSF members.

The SILC also appoints the four Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees (the Civil Service Superannuation Board).

CSSB Employee Representatives

The SILC appoints employee representatives to the Civil Service Superannuation Board. The current employee representatives are as follows:

  • Jody Gillis
  • Samantha Probetts
  • Doug Troke
  • C. Reed Winstone